Cooking Equipment for your Child Care Kitchen
Not sure where to start!

Warewashing Solutions / Catersave are here to help

Are you looking for cooking equipment – give us a call or drop us an email for a quote

To check out some of the equipment – please click on the heading links below and they will take you through the required page

There’s a big difference between CLEANING, SANITISING AND STERILIZING…


Cleaning removes food and other types of soil from a surface such as a countertop or plate. Sanitizing reduces the number of pathogens on that clean surface to safe levels.

For cleaning plates & SANITISING, cutting boards, and many other kitchen and cooking items, plus lego and some other toys, look no further than your commercial dishwasher.

Your commercial dishwasher works as a dishwasher and a sanitiser in one.

Related image

Over the years we have come to appreciate that no Child Care Kitchen is the same and we realise that there is not a “one size fits all” solution to the washing and cooking equipment required in your centre.

By specialising in the Child Care sector over the past 15 + years, we are confident in being able to source the right equipment for the requirements of your centre.

For an obligation free site inspection (Sydney metro) click here to contact us now! 

The experienced staff at Warewashing Solutions will work with you to get the commercial kitchen and laundry equipment that is going to work best for your Child Care Centre!

Be it dishwashers, microwaves or any other kitchen equipment, we look to ensure that it meets or exceeds current health and safety obligations under the Food Services Act

Or maybe you need laundry equipment – we offer the Speed Queen commercial range.

Being aware that there are staff changes, split shifts, job sharing, – we want your new equipment to be easy to program, use and maintain by all staff.

We can also supply “cheat sheets” (simplified instructions) to laminate & keep handy near the equipment so nothing is left to guess work.

Our Child Care category brings together items suited to a Child Care Centre in relation to the kitchen and laundry equipment and cleaning products.

We offer on site consultation within the Sydney metro area – For an obligation free site inspection (Sydney metro) – contact us now! 

1300 217 411


Please download, laminate & keep in the kitchen by your dishwasher – this will help staff with the use and cleaning of this important cleaning machine.

The importance of your dishwasher is generally only realised when it is not working.

Or call us direct on

1300 217 411

Don’t forget – Free on site consultation for new dishwashers within the Sydney metro area

Want some equipment information?